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OCREIA Meeting Info

Construction Lending Best Practices

Thursday September 14th, 2023 5:00PM

Zoom Meeting

... Featuring Marcus Carter Our discussion will highlight important aspects for investors who might be considering investing in Ground up Construction, Renovation or loans with a construction component. We will present tools that can be used and discuss procedures that should be followed which are common in construction lending, all geared towards helping Lenders and investors make good quality loans and ensure the best chance of success while mitigating risk. Some of the highlights will be a focus on how to ensure construction funds are used for the intended purpose ( Construction, or Renovation). How It prevent money being disbursed without work being completed. Creating visibility, transparency and accountability between the Lenders /Investors the Contractor and Owner of the property. Making sure projects are free from Mechanic Liens. How best to disburse funds and what documents are needed for compliance, and of course, what can go wrong when best practices are not utilized. At the conclusion of our presentation, investors should have a good understanding of how to manage and mitigate risk when they invest in a Construction loan. Date: Thursday September 14th Time: 5:00pm Pacific Register: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwrfumtqj0sEtNqfnc1ziUyGM_PP7trbqpx#/registration

Meeting Location:

Zoom Meeting
the internet, CA. 12345 TEL: